Where Do Phone Lookup Directories Get Their Information?

Where Do Phone Lookup Directories Get Their Information?

A lot of websites out there claim to have vast databases of information about people such as their phone number, a full name and date of birth, their spending and household information, and other details that sometimes aren't that common to find. The question is, where are these websites getting this information? And why can't I find it myself? Shrouded behind industry secrets and a hush-hush atmosphere is a wide range of data brokers, buying and selling information about you and other people. They gather this information from a wide range of sources, some common…continue reading →
List of South America Dialing Codes

List of South America Dialing Codes

South America is made up of 20 countries, covers an area of 17.85 million square kilometers, and has an estimated combined population of 375 million people. It is ranked as the fifth largest populated region in the world and comes under Zone 5 of the World Numbering Plan. With such a diverse mix of people, languages and time zones, looking for a phone number, especially for non-Spanish speakers, might seem like a daunting task. WHERE TO START? Looking up phone numbers in South America begins by finding out which country you are dealing with.…continue reading →
How to Lookup a Phone Number for Free in India

How to Lookup a Phone Number for Free in India

India has the second largest telecommunications networks (both fixed and mobile) in the world. In just ten years the industry saw year on year growth expanding from 38 million users in 2001 to nearly 848 million in 2011. It also boasts some of the lowest call tariffs in the world. This is mainly due to large telephone networks creating a frenzy of hyper-competition in the rush to gain market share in a rapidly expanding sector. Looking up a phone number from India is a relatively straightforward process but more detailed results can prove more of a challenge.…continue reading →
When should you pay to know a name behind a phone number?

When should you pay to know a name behind a phone number?

We try to answer this as "never". But there may come a time when you have exhausted all your efforts into doing free reverse phone search by yourself, and you need to consult a professional web service or private investigator to do it for you. If you haven't already, be sure to go through all the Methods and General Information pages to be sure that you really have tried all that you can to find a name behind a number. Keep in mind the following: Private investigators are professionals, certified with either the state…continue reading →
Free Reverse Cell Phone Search using AT&T Directory Assistance

Free Reverse Cell Phone Search using AT&T Directory Assistance

If you have pieces of information about a person who called you, but still no name behind the caller, try the AT&T Directory Assistance website. This method works best for home phones, although cell phones have been known to be in this directory as well. Navigate to http://www.corp.att.com/directory/ and type in as much information as you know about your caller. Once you are done, click on search to see if anything comes up. One of two things will happen: 1: You will be directed to a partner site, where they will ask you to…continue reading →
Method: Use a friends phone to call the unknown caller

Method: Use a friends phone to call the unknown caller

If you want to find out who called you, but don't want them to know that you are trying to find out who they are, a great idea is to use a friends phone to call the person and get to voicemail. Once in voicemail, if they have a customer greeting it should say who they are, and to leave a callback number. This will give you an idea wether the person is male or female, and if they have a regular phone number or a Google Voice number too. The point in…continue reading →
Method: Find out what state a phone number is from

Method: Find out what state a phone number is from

Cell and home phone numbers are great because the first three numbers usually point to where the caller's phone number is registered. The first three numbers are called the "area code". Use the table below to find out what state the caller is from, match the first three digits of the phone number and you will reverse search the state where the caller is from. For example, lets use the phone number (815) - 555 - 5555, the first three numbers are "815", so looking at the data base below we can tell…continue reading →
Method: Reverse search a phone number on Facebook

Method: Reverse search a phone number on Facebook

Facebook has become a valuable tool in determining the identity of someone who calls you, it should be a first resort to find out out who called you. The first thing you want to do is write down the unknown callers cell phone number and go to Facebook.com. You WILL NEED a Facebook account to use this method, Facebook does not allow you to search without first having an account. You can create a Facebook account at www.facebook.com. After you have your account, go to the top of the page at the search…continue reading →
3 Steps To Look Up A Phone Number For Free

3 Steps To Look Up A Phone Number For Free

There are many ways to find out who called you using free methods readily available online. As long as you have the phone number you will be able to search for that persons' name and address for free using many free online websites. Many of these resources are free and publicly available. A great place to start is to enter the persons phone number in Google, as this will bring up any social media sites that may have been associated with the phone number in the past. Additionally, you may want to check…continue reading →