Lookup a phone number for free using social media

Lookup a phone number for free using social media

Social media has long been a place for friends and family to communicate and share information back and forth between each other, but did you know it can also be used to find out the name and number of someone who has called you? Every since the introduction of MySpace there has been possibilities to use the search functions within these websites to lookup the name and location, as well as tons of additional information of the person who called you, just by entering their phone number! Facebook has been open about this…continue reading →
Reverse Lookup a Phone Number using Canada411

Reverse Lookup a Phone Number using Canada411

Many people aren't aware that Canada411 exists solely to help you find the names of people who have called you.  This handy website continues to be useful especially for people who live in Canada, although people from all over the world can take advantage of this free service. With a population of over 35 million, there are sure to be many people who may have called you that may live or reside in Canada, or have a Canadian phone number. Additionally, some telemarketers use Canadian numbers in order to be perceived as being from Canada,…continue reading →
Method: Perform a phone trace on a Verizon phone number

Method: Perform a phone trace on a Verizon phone number

We worked really hard to bring you this guide so you can report who called you if you are using the Verizon cell phone service. This guide will give you the option to trace the last known call that you answered, given that you are using Verizon's service to do so. (Note: The caller does not need to be using Verizon in order for this method to work, although it would probably increase your chances of the issue being resolved). What will Verizon phone trace do? Taken from Verizon's original website, Verizon call trace will…continue reading →
Method: Listen to the unknown callers voicemail without actually calling them

Method: Listen to the unknown callers voicemail without actually calling them

Voicemail can be a treasure trove of information about the unknown caller. Usually, a person will have a custom voicemail greeting that usually contains their name, callback number, and a good time to reach them. If you are looking for the name of the person who called you and can't try a method like the Use a Friend Method, then using a service that will call the unknown caller's voicemail discreetly is right for you. Let us introduce SpyDialer, which is a free* service that lets you enter up to three phone numbers…continue reading →
When should you pay to know a name behind a phone number?

When should you pay to know a name behind a phone number?

We try to answer this as "never". But there may come a time when you have exhausted all your efforts into doing free reverse phone search by yourself, and you need to consult a professional web service or private investigator to do it for you. If you haven't already, be sure to go through all the Methods and General Information pages to be sure that you really have tried all that you can to find a name behind a number. Keep in mind the following: Private investigators are professionals, certified with either the state…continue reading →
5 Reverse Phone Directory Website Rankings

5 Reverse Phone Directory Website Rankings

5 Reverse Phone Directory Website Rankings 1: Who Calls Me? (http://www.whocallsme.com) Rating: 9/10 Pros: Great features, including the ability to search other phone numbers with a similar area code (useful for those annoying spammers who use multiple numbers but reside within the same area. Has a dedicated area where you can log in and track which numbers you entered to see if there are any more comments. Large database, many many numbers on this website. Ability to search for numbers without having to log in. Constantly updating, a new number is posted every…continue reading →
Free Reverse Cell Phone Search using AT&T Directory Assistance

Free Reverse Cell Phone Search using AT&T Directory Assistance

If you have pieces of information about a person who called you, but still no name behind the caller, try the AT&T Directory Assistance website. This method works best for home phones, although cell phones have been known to be in this directory as well. Navigate to http://www.corp.att.com/directory/ and type in as much information as you know about your caller. Once you are done, click on search to see if anything comes up. One of two things will happen: 1: You will be directed to a partner site, where they will ask you to…continue reading →
How to contact your carrier to request phone number blocking

How to contact your carrier to request phone number blocking

If you have a caller that just won't stop calling you no matter what, and you don't care who it is but just want it to stop, the best way to go about blocking their number is by calling your carrier. Below is a list of common cellphone carriers with phone numbers to reach them. It also has a script that you can read off to them if you don't know what to say. This is not a 100% guaranteed method, ever cellphone carrier is different, but if anything it should get you in…continue reading →
3 Steps To Look Up A Phone Number For Free

3 Steps To Look Up A Phone Number For Free

There are many ways to find out who called you using free methods readily available online. As long as you have the phone number you will be able to search for that persons' name and address for free using many free online websites. Many of these resources are free and publicly available. A great place to start is to enter the persons phone number in Google, as this will bring up any social media sites that may have been associated with the phone number in the past. Additionally, you may want to check…continue reading →